Tips for Running in the Rain
A rainy run is going to be a wet one. No matter how hard you try to stay dry, you’re going to get wet—but that can be part of the fun! With the heatwave that Chattanooga has experienced over the past few weeks, running in Chattanooga with a little bit of rain could be really enjoyable. With a lot of rain looming in the days ahead, here are some tips to stay safe while running!
Wear Good Socks (and Maybe Pack an Extra Pair)
It’s important to avoid wearing wet socks while our running. You can carry some extra socks with you, but our recommendation is to get some Sockwell wool socks. When cotton gets wet, it stays wet. The water stays close to your skin, which can cause discomfort and even blisters. We have a great selection of socks in the store!

Wear a Hat
A hat with a brim can help keep the rain off your face so you can see, even in a downpour. You want a breathable one with plenty of venting so you don't overheat. We have some sweet looking Fast Break branded hats available!
Be Observant of Your Surroundings
You should always be paying close attention when running, but running the rain means you need to be extra careful. The road or trail may be slippery or have more give than usual. Make sure to take smaller steps and pay attention to your footing, similar trail running. Select clothing that is very bright or light-colored and has reflective strips. Rain can negatively impact the visibility of drivers, and may be less likely to expect that runners are also out on the road. Also, avoid stepping in puddles as much as you can. Your running shoes and feet will get wet from the rain, but they'll get soaked if you step in a big puddle (which could cause blistering).
Thunder? Get Inside!
While running in the rain is perfectly safe, keep your run indoors if there are thunderstorms in the area. Getting your run done is not worth the risk of getting struck by lightning.
Looking for any other running tips or gear? Stop by Fast Break Athletics in Chattanooga!